“Nada Brahma.
It’s taken a long time to get to this point. Not just releasing this EP, but being at a place in my life where I can say that these experiences are behind me. These songs are a culmination of the experiences of my early adulthood. There’s no one person, situation, or instance that inspired this narrative, or any of my art for that matter.
This project generalizes several times where I’ve been overwhelmed with self-doubt but sought to mask the emotion with an egocentric approach, much to the dismay of those around me. More importantly, this project is a testament to change, discipline, balance, and self-discovery. I challenge you all to begin to embrace these principles as we journey into this new world.
We’re only just beginning. Thank you all for rocking with me thus far.
Everything starts right where you are.”
- Kai
performed by KAI AKILI, produced by MALIK ISMAIL
Stream the project directly from our site, or choose your preferred method of listening below!
Off the Grid is also available on all streaming services! Stream the project from your platform of choice.
mic’d up
Kai Akili performs the song ‘Moon’ for the Mic’d Up virtual performances series. He also goes in depth about the meaning behind his project ‘Off the Grid’ with Malik Ismail in a brief interview. Find both below, produced and presented by the production company Positive Road!
Dope Cause We Said
Kai Akili spoke in-depth about Off the Grid with Carlton Boyd of Dope Cause We Said. You can read the full exclusive interview here.